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Purification: Top 10

Purification is the first blend that I fell in love with. I used it for EVERYTHING, and for good reason. The smell is amazing, so fresh and clean! Diffusing it immediately fills the room with this idea that it’s spotless (haha). I always have a roller bottle of purification with me, because you never know when you’ll need it. Especially now that it’s summer!

Purification is a blend of citronella, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree, lavandin and myrtle.

Here are ten ways that I use Purification:

1. In my DIY face wash. It helps keep my skin clear without drying it out.

2. In your laundry detergent. Depending on the size of your bottle add the appropriate number of drops and ta-da you are combating stink, while disinfecting your clothes. WIN.

3. DIY Linen spray. Add Purification to a spray bottle and fill with half vinegar, half water. Spray your couch, clothes that hang dry, bedding, pillows, carpet... anything!

4. Dryer sheets or wool dryer balls. Add a few drops to your DIY dryer sheet, or to some all natural wool balls to give your clothes an extra boost of freshness!

5. Diffusing- The easiest way to enjoy purification is to put a few drops in your diffuser. I have been loving this, especially with all the haze lately.

6. Bug spray- Bugs do NOT like the oils in Purification, especially the citronella & lemongrass. Add a few drops to a spray bottle of water, and ditch the DEET!

7. Bug bites- has anyone noticed that the mosquitoes this year are WICKED? Add 1 drop to your bug bite, either directly on it, or around it (dilute if necessary). Itch be gone, plus it speeds up the healing.

8. Add a drop to your vase of fresh flowers, as it helps them last longer.

9. Add to cleaner- Have a favourite DIY cleaner? Add Purification and you’ll be doing yourself a favour. The lemongrass helps combat anything greasy, while the tea tree disinfects. PLUS it smells lovely!

10. Drop in the bottom of your garbage can- either in the actual garbage can container, or in the new bag. Help keep that summer heated stinky garbage smell AWAY. Barf.


I could probably list 400 more things that I use Purification for.. but I’ll stop here. Enjoy!

PS: Purification comes in the Premium Starter Kit!

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