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DIY Natural Hair Growth

DIY Natural Hair Growth with Young Living Essential Oils

Who doesn’t want longer, healthier & more luscious hair. There are SO many “magical” hair products out there today that are full of unfulfilled promises… but they are full of one thing, and that’s chemicals.

I am NOT okay putting an extra toxic burden on my body. PLUS… those products are usually SO EXPENSIVE.

Here are 2 ways I use Essential Oils (from Young Living only) to help my hair grow naturally!

There are 4 oils that are most used for hair growth:

You can use all 4, or 1-2!

In the Shower-

I use the Whole Food brand of Fragrance free shampoo (minimal ingredients and a great price). For a 16oz bottle I use 10 drops of each oil. Simply take off the cap, add your oils, then give it a gentle shake to mix it all up. DONE! Took you what, 30 seconds? J Super cost effective and you know exactly what is in your product.

The second way is for when you are outside the shower-

Grab yourself a glass spray bottle (mine is 60mls) and add 5 drops of each oil. Then, fill the remainder of the bottle with witch hazel. Give it a little shake and you are ready to use! Again, 30 seconds! Spray your roots on either wet or dry hair and give it a little massage. Ta-da!

The above comments are my personal opinion. I cannot diagnose or treat you… these are just some fun DIY’s that have helped my hair grow. Results may vary! Everyone is unique!

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