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The dark side of Essential Oils

In the USA, there is no rating system for essential oils. The closet thing is an FDA requirement that in order to label a bottle of essential “pure” or “therapeutic grade” the contents of that bottle must contain at least 5% essential oil. 5 PERCENT. Guess that bottle from your local grocery store isn't so pure!

The best quality you can get is Grade A- which is what YoungLiving is. How can you find out what grade/quality your oils are? Ask the company! If they don’t know- then don’t buy it. I choose to use only YoungLiving EO’s because I know where the oils come from. YoungLiving is the ONLY major EO company that OWNS their own farms! You can visit any of them and watch them plant, tend to, distill and bottle their oils. YoungLiving oils are BEYOND organic, and use NO pesticides/chemicals in their processes- heck they even HAND WEED! That is commitment.

“By cultivating, harvesting, and distilling many of our essential oils on our very own farms, we have the unique ability to verify perfection at every step of our process. Combine this with our extensive laboratory testing and independent audits, and it’s no wonder that we routinely exceed our own industry-leading quality standards. Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop there, however. Inspired by the fields, forests, and jungles that surround our pristine farms, Gary Young is constantly discovering new botanicals and essential oils, helping us bring more of nature’s greatest gifts to people everywhere.”

Want to start using the BEST essential oils in the world? Let's chat!

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