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Why I started using essential oils.

I’ve been trying to write this post for a few weeks… and wanted to launch my website with this. BUT. I just couldn’t bring myself to writing it. I guess I feared people judging me? Maybe it was pride in not wanting people to know? Who knows what.

Anyway, onto my story.

I first discovered essential oils when I was looking for something natural to treat my acne (like every young teenage girl googling like their life depended on it). I came across tea tree oil! I had no idea what an essential oil was, or that there was more than tea tree! I used this oil like it was going out of style- and you know what? It helped! I still use tea tree oil daily in my face wash to help keep my skin clear.

(Side note- I used this oil for EVERYTHING because I thought it was the holy grail. INCLUDING… adding it to my “relaxing” bath. Word of advice, it will burn your ass off when you put practically the whole bottle in the water).

Move forward a few years after my first introduction to essential oils.

I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (with OCD tendencies) in my late teens. Thinking back now, I’ve had anxiety ever since I can remember. Unless you have anxiety, you can’t fully understand how debilitating it can be.

When my mom found out I had generalized anxiety disorder she bought me a “calming spray” made with essential oils to use when I was feeling anxious, overwhelmed or when I was having a panic attack. This spray became my “go to” when I started getting anxious, because it actually helped! Listen, I am not here to say I can cure your anxiety or depression or whatever it may be. I am here to tell you that oils have SIGNIFICANTLY helped my anxiety- to a point where I don’t need daily medications anymore and can manage it with oils (and the odd Ativan- being 100% honest here).

I cannot go a day without using essential oils- they have changed my life for the better- and they can change yours.

What oils help me manage my anxiety day to day? Here are my top 5.

top 5 oils for anxiety

1. Peace & Calming

-Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Blue Tansy, Patchouli

My go-to for all things anxiety.

This blend promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace and emotional well-being. It helps dampen tension, and uplift your spirit. This oil helps to calm my busy and anxious mind. I love to diffuse it or roll in onto my chest/inside of my wrists.

2. Joy

- Bergamot, Ylang ylang, Geranium, Lemon, Coriander, Tangerine, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmrosa and Rose

This is a beautiful floral blend producing a magnetic energy that brings joy to the heart, mind and soul! I love to wear this as my perfume. If you follow my insta-stories you know this is a MUST before I go to work!

peace and calming, joy

3. Lavender

Everyone has heard of lavender! It is calming, relaxing and balancing. I love to diffuse lavender and Cedarwood at bedtime to promote a great sleep. Lavender is a great addition to your bath when you need some serious relaxation.


4. Stress Away

- Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, Lavender.

This is a gentle, fragrant blend that bring feelings of peace and tranquility. It helps relieve daily stress and tension, promote relaxation and improves your mental response. This blend is less florally, so guys tend to love it too!

5. Cedarwood

This oil stimulates the limbic region of the brain- the centre of emotions, and the pituitary gland- which releases melatonin. It is very calming and like I said before, amazing for sleep when paired with lavender.

cedarwood and stressaway

I hope these help you find peace in your life!

To order any of these oils click HERE.

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